  • In our vibrant corporate atmosphere, as long as you have real talents and knowledge, you can find suitable development space here and realize your life value. We hope to support our excellent enterprise with excellent employees, develop ourselves together in competition, enhance ourselves, and surpass ourselves!

  • SWPM has always adhered to the employment philosophy of "people-oriented, everyone maximizes their talents", and adheres to the principle of "emotional retention, career retention, and treatment retention", attracting outstanding talents and industry elites to join. At the same time, we also create a harmonious working environment and a good growth environment for each franchisee's employees.

  • We attach great importance to the cultivation and improvement of employee quality in our daily work. While striving to complete their job responsibilities, employees are also able to receive regular training, targeted training of professional knowledge, and continuously improve in various fields, thereby making their skills more professional and their confidence in the future more firm.

地址:No.299 Hejing Road,Anting,Shanghai 201805,PRC